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Idaho Fish and Game

Press Releases and Articles

Where can I hunt antlerless elk in the Panhandle?

| idfg-lwolf

The A-tag archery elk season is currently open in the Panhandle region.   Right now the season is open to antlered elk only, but we’ve had many phone calls and questions regarding where hunters are allowed to harvest an antlerless elk later in the season.  We want to clarify this hunting… more

Craig Mountain Wing Barrels help monitor upland bird harvest

| idfg-jbruns

Forest grouse season has opened and soon to follow are many other favorites including quail, chukar, gray partridge, pheasant, and turkey.  

Wing barrels have made a comeback on Craig Mountain Wildlife Management Area, and Fish and Game is seeking your help to learn more about the area… more

Wolf trapper education courses scheduled in Lewiston

| idfg-jbruns

Wolf trapper education is required for anyone wanting to trap wolves in Idaho.

A wolf trapper education course will be held Friday, Sept. 8, followed by another course on Saturday, Sept. 9.  Both courses will be held from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at Fish and Game's Clearwater Regional  Office, 3316 16th Street in … more

Video: Mink chases Chinook at MK Nature Center

| idfg-sfocht

While trying to video a female Chinook salmon digging her nest for spawning, I was surprised to see this intruder! Mink are playful and cute, but fearless. They will go after prey much larger than themselves. Watch until the end to see if the mink was successful at hunting or not. 


 … more

Grizzly Bear Study Trapping Completed in Upper Snake Region

| idfg-glosinski

Grizzly Bear Study Trapping Completed in Upper Snake Region

ISLAND PARK – Each summer as part of the joint scientific efforts of the Interagency Grizzly Bear Study Team (IGBST), biologists from the Idaho Department of Fish & Game (IDFG) set traps to catch grizzly bears.  Once caught the… more

Large Portions of Units 20A and 26 now Closed due to Fire

| Anonymous (not verified)

More than half of hunt units 20A and 26 are now closed as the Highline Fire continues to burn within the Payette National Forest near Big Creek. For updates on this fire, including future changes to the closure area, visit: or

With… more

Connecting Kids and Salmon at the MK Nature Center

| idfg-snass

Idaho Salmon and Steelhead Days takes over the MK Nature Center for three days early each fall. It is an opportunity for some Idaho classrooms to learn about aquatic ecosystems - the fish, bugs and other creatures that call our rivers home. Join one class of kids as they learn about Idaho's treasured salmon and… more

Fires can affect early season hunts, so plan ahead

| idfg-rphillips

Idaho’s early hunting seasons often coincide with fire season, and hunters should consider that when planning trips. If they’re traveling to their favorite hunting spots, it’s important to stay informed about current fire conditions, fire restrictions and rehab work on recent or past fires that can affect their hunts… more

Visit your local shooting range before seasons begin

| idfg-mdemick

With summer winding down and the fall hunting seasons just getting started, now’s a great time for hunters to visit their local shooting range for some pre-season practice.

“Whether you hunt with a rifle, muzzleloader or shotgun, the more you practice, the better you’ll shoot when it really counts,” said James… more

Recent cases of rabid bats mean people should take precautions

| idfg-rdixon

News of recent cases of rabid bats in various parts of Idaho have left residents nervous about encountering bats inside or outside their homes. It is important that people understand how to best handle a bat that is found in their home, including what precautions to take to prevent exposure to rabies.


Shout Out to Landowners!

| idfg-snass

Landowners offer a service for all of us who love to hunt, fish and watch wildlife by providing habitat on their properties. Many go the extra mile, enrolling their land into special programs that develop fields specifically to create cover and forage for wildlife.

“By doing these types of… more

Governor Recognizes Historic Role of Hunting and Fishing in Wildlife Conservation

| idfg-mkeckler

Idaho Governor C.L. “Butch” Otter this week recognized the 80th Anniversary of the Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Act signed into law in 1937.

The act was the first of three laws establishing federal excise taxes on hunting and fishing equipment that are used to fund wildlife conservation throughout the… more

Mule deer hunters can help shape management through an online survey

| idfg-rphillips

Fish and Game managers want to hear people’s opinions about mule deer hunting in Idaho, so they’re asking hunters to take an online survey and share their thoughts. 

Fish and Game revised its Mule Deer Management Plan in 2008, and managers periodically re-evaluate plans so they can remain responsive to hunters… more

Unit 20A Access Difficult this Fall

| Anonymous (not verified)

Planning to hunt unit 20A this fall? Several normal access points are currently closed.

The Stoddard Pack Bridge was lost in a March rock slide. This bridge crossed the Salmon River at the northeast corner of unit 20A on the Salmon River Road. Identified for national emergency funding, the bridge will be… more

Fish and Game commission suspends wolf baiting proposal

| idfg-rphillips

At their meeting on Aug. 26, Idaho Fish and Game commissioners unanimously decided to suspend rulemaking to allow using bait to hunt wolves. Commissioners also discontinued rulemaking to restrict use of game cameras and two-way electronic communications as aids to taking big game. 

Those were among several… more

American Falls Reservoir west boat ramp closing after Labor Day

| idfg-mkoenig

For those of you that fish American Falls Reservoir, read this news release from Bureau of Reclamation. It sounds like BOR is starting up construction again at the west-side boat ramp and will close the ramp after Labor Day weekend. Here's a link with the story posted below.  American Falls Boat Ramp Replacement… more

Rainbow Trout Stocking Schedule

| Anonymous (not verified)

Personnel from Fish and Game's McCall and Nampa Hatcheries will be releasing more than 12,000 catchable-sized rainbow trout at the following locations during September.


Boise River - above Glenwood Bridge September 4, 18 1,080/1,080

Boise River - below… more

Kokanee Salmon Arrive and Chinook Salmon are Spawning

| idfg-sfocht

Forty beautiful Kokanee salmon arrived at MK Nature Center yesterday and they they have added a "splash" of color in the alpine lake.

If that was not enough to get you here, in the same viewing window, you can watch huge Chinook salmon spawning and defending their nest site. The resident trout are active and… more