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Idaho Fish and Game

Press Releases and Articles

F&G Commission Suspends Wolf Species Management Plan

| idfg-nnokkentved

The Idaho Fish and Game Commission, in a telephone conference call Wednesday, December 8, suspended Idaho's 2008-2012 species management plan for wolves. The 2002 Idaho Wolf Conservation and Management Plan, approved by the Idaho Legislature and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, remains in effect as the foundation… more

With Hunting Seasons Over, F&G Takes To The Air

| idfg-lfrench

In a place with such rugged terrain as Idaho, it is almost impossible to count wildlife or do trapping work without the aid of aircraft. Helicopters buzzing around at low altitudes tend to annoy hunters and stir up game, so Idaho Fish and Game avoids conducting aerial surveys until hunting seasons are over. In the… more

Help Sought in Bull Elk Poaching

| idfg-mcoleman

Fish and Game is asking for information about the poaching of a bull elk north of Emmett on the weekend of November 27. Responding to reports from hunters in the area, Fish and Game conservation officer Paul Alexander found the poached five-point bull in a stand of sagebrush a short distance from Four-mile Road. The… more

Commission to Discuss Wolf Management

| idfg-mcoleman

The Idaho Fish and Game Commission, in a telephone conference call at 9 a.m. MST Wednesday, December 8, will discuss and evaluate wolf management planning. The commission meeting will convene in the director's office at Idaho Department of Fish and Game headquarters, 600 S. Walnut St., Boise. The meeting will open… more

The Gift That Keeps on Giving

| idfg-mcoleman

It's getting close to that time of year again, and here's an idea for anyone who's looking for a gift that's always in style, never the wrong size or color, and usable every day of the year. Go to any Idaho Department of Fish and Game regional office around the state and buy them a gift certificate for a 2011 hunting… more

Idaho Fish and Game News is now Available

| idfg-mcoleman

The December issue of Idaho Fish and Game News is now available. This issue covers Idaho's hunter and bowhunter education program. Since the program was initiated more than 30 years ago, the average annual number of accidents and fatalities has dropped dramatically to less than six injuries and two fatalities… more

Ask Fish and Game: New Fishing License

| idfg-mcoleman

Q. I just purchased a 2011 Idaho fishing license; can I use that to fish to the end of 2010? A. No. To fish in December 2010, you must have a valid 2010 fishing license. The 2011 license is not valid until January 1. But a resident 2010 fishing license is still available for $25.75. A nonresident daily fishing license… more

Last Steelhead Shipment for Boise River Cancelled

| idfg-nnokkentved

The last shipment of steelhead of the year, slated for the Boise River, has been cancelled because of weather. The shipment was delayed yesterday while Idaho Fish and Game officials assessed weather and road conditions. But continued hazardous driving conditions have forced officials to cancel the last load of… more

Last Steelhead Shipment for Boise River Delayed

| idfg-nnokkentved

The last shipment of steelhead of the year, slated for the Boise River, has been delayed by weather. Idaho Fish and Game had planned to bring the last load of steelhead bound for the Boise River. The fish were to arrive Thursday, December 2. The trip has been delayed at least 24 hours to allow officials to reassess… more

Rex Rammell to be Charged with Illegal Elk Killing

| idfg-mcoleman

Rex Rammell, Idaho Falls, is under investigation in the illegal killing of an elk following a confrontation with an Idaho Fish and Game conservation officer. The officer was patrolling the Tex Creek Wildlife Management Area east of Idaho Falls late this morning where a late season cow elk hunt is being held. The… more

What Are the Natives Doing?

| idfg-mcoleman

Salmon and steelhead receive a lot of attention but what is Idaho Fish and Game doing for native fish that do not travel to the Pacific Ocean? Fisheries managers from each of Idaho's seven administrative regions reported examples of efforts to conserve and manage native fisheries to the Idaho Fish and Game Commission… more

Winter Brings Animals Onto Roadways

| idfg-mcoleman

An unusually early start to winter all across Idaho has already brought big game animals down to low elevations where they can cause problems for motorists. Drivers are urged to use caution, slow down in areas where animals might be expected on the roadway and observe signs and lights marking areas of traditional game… more

Last Load of Steelhead on the Way to Boise

| idfg-mcoleman

The last shipment of steelhead of the year will be placed in the Boise River Thursday. Idaho Fish and Game crews will release 333 fish at access points from Glenwood Bridge upstream to Barber Park. Fish and Game has already brought about 1,000 steelhead to the Boise this fall from Idaho Power Company's Oxbow hatchery… more

Commission Adopts New Fish Seasons and Rules

| idfg-mcoleman

The Idaho Fish and Game Commission, meeting in Jerome November 18, adopted new seasons and rules for 2011-2012. The rules come with two major changes: a new "newspaper" format for the rule brochure, and year-round seasons will be the rule, rather than the exception. The open year-round-season rule is a way to… more

Commission Considers Wildlife Salvage, Grizzly Statement

| idfg-mcoleman

The Idaho Fish and Game Commission meeting, November 18, directed Fish and Game to develop rules for salvage of accidentally killed wildlife. Current rules do not allow private citizens to salvage usable parts of accidentally killed wildlife, including road kill. Nor do rules allow commercial sale for salvaged parts… more

Fish and Game Enforcement is Going to the Dogs

| idfg-mcoleman

Idaho conservation officers are working on a new way to sniff out wildlife crime. Jim Stirling, a Fish and Game conservation officer in the Magic Valley Region, is going to Indiana next spring to learn how to work a dog in wildlife crime investigation as part of the Wildlife Scent Detection K9 program. Stirling… more

Fish and Game Seeks Help in Solving Several Poachings Near Kamiah

| idfg-mcoleman

The Idaho Department of Fish and Game is investigating an alarming number of big game animals shot and left to waste along the Beaver Slide Road east of Kamiah. Since late October, seven big game animals have been discovered along a mile and half stretch of the road. All animals were left to waste and likely shot… more

Trophy White-tail Buck Shot, Left to Rot near Whitebird

| idfg-mcoleman

The Idaho Department of Fish and Game is asking for help in determining who shot and wasted a trophy-class white-tailed buck discovered recently in the Deer Creek area west of Whitebird. The entire carcass was left to waste, with only the head taken. The deer was found on private property, likely shot from the Deer… more