Hi everybody.
It is time for my weekly spring Chinook Salmon update (June 11, 2024). There is only one closure this week – the Clearwater River between Cherrylane Bridge and Orofino Bridge. Please read the Clearwater River Fishery section below if this is an area you like to fish.
The run of Idaho-bound spring Chinook Salmon past Bonneville Dam for all practical purposes is complete. For the past week, almost all the fish passing over Bonneville Dam have been summer run fish (both Idaho and Columbia summers), so I don’t really have any new information to share with you on this front. As such, I am going to jump right to our estimated harvest shares. The table below now estimates harvest shares based on PIT tagged fish that have passed over Lower Granite Dam. We can use data from Lower Granite Dam now because almost all of the fish destined for Idaho’s spring Chinook Salmon fisheries have passed over this dam. Now that we are able to use data from Lower Granite Dam, our harvest share estimates are more accurate. We expect a few more PIT tagged fish to pass over Lower Granite Dam, but don’t expect any significant changes in these harvest shares in the future. Based on this data, the adult harvest share for Clearwater River Return fishery is 4,321 adult fish (darker peach row), 2,325 for the Rapid River run fishery (darker blue row), and 794 for the Hells Canyon fishery (green row).