Because the Clearwater River return is coming in significantly higher than forecasted, IDFG staff will be recommending to the commission this week (May 16) to follow the guidelines displayed in the “harvest matrix” anglers helped developed and support (see Chinook update 4/25/2024 for details). Specifically, the recommendation will be to increase the number of days one can fish from 4 days/week to 7 days/week. This would not apply to the North Fork which would remain at 4 days/week. Additionally, IDFG staff will recommend to increase the daily limit in the South Fork Clearwater River from a 1 adult to a 2 adults. We will keep you posted on the commission’s decision.
Clearwater River Basin Fishery
I was expecting much better fishing on the Clearwater River than we observed last week. Based on our creel surveys, we estimated seven adults and four jacks were harvested, all from the lower Clearwater, with catch rates exceeding 100 hrs/fish. A couple anglers also reported catching and releasing a fish in the North Fork. That brings the season harvest total to 9 adult fish. During the upcoming weeks, I will include a table that shows how many fish anglers are catching and where they are being caught. This table will be useful in evaluating where the best fishing is and how long specific river reaches will remain open before harvest distribution goals are met.
Flows are supposed to rise above 40,000 cfs this weekend in the Clearwater River. This amount of flow often provides good fishing as it is high enough to push the fish towards the bank but slow enough to not impede migration. However, I will caution that because this will be the highest flows that have occurred this spring, floating debris and dirty water could become an issue. If debris and dirty water is not an issue, fishing could be good as over 350 Clearwater River bound fish have passed over Lower Granite Dam each of the past two days (based on PIT tags), and it should only continue to increase over the week next week.
Rapid River Run Fishery
We did not observe any fish being harvested in the lower Salmon River or Little Salmon River last week. However, four fish were trapped at Rapid River fishery hatchery last week, and Rapid River hatchery PIT tagged fish have been passing over Lower Granite Dam for the past 10 days. Some of these fish should be entering the lower end of the fishery by now. This means, if you want to give it a try next week, there is a chance you will catch one. Flows in the Salmon River are forecasted to reach 50,000 cfs this weekend. These flows can cause delays in fish migration at the Slide Rapid; however, it appears they will only remain at this level for day or two before dropping back down.
Hells Canyon Fishery
Hells Canyon was the hot spot last week. We estimated that 24 Chinook were harvested last week, all just downstream of Hells Canyon Dam. Catch rates were decent at 14 hrs/fish. Trapping at the dam will likely not occur for a couple more weeks which will allow these fish to stack up and improve catch rates.
Have fun and be safe.