With summer winding down, it’s time to start looking ahead to the fall season fisheries for salmon and steelhead. This is an exciting time of year as we watch fish counts at Bonneville Dam, and anticipate the fisheries that will be ramping up in Idaho over the next few months. Below is a description of upcoming fisheries and what we know at this point about run sizes.
Catch-and-release fisheries for steelhead are already underway in many areas of the state including parts of the Clearwater, Snake, and Salmon river basins and harvest seasons will begin on many rivers in September. Check out this link for details on current and upcoming fisheries.
The steelhead forecast for this year was not good, but we are seeing counts at Bonneville Dam that suggest the run might not be as bad as forecasted. It is still early in the run and the next few weeks are typically when the bulk of Idaho’s steelhead run crosses Bonneville Dam so stay tuned for future updates.