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Idaho Fish and Game

April hunter education courses offered in Challis and Leadore


Complete course now so you can apply for a controlled hunt

Aspiring hunters who have not completed a hunter education course, but are interested in applying for a controlled hunt, still have a chance of getting into a course before the controlled hunt application periods end. 

Students will practice safe firearm handling with inert firearms and receive specific training based on scenarios that most often lead to hunting-related accidents.

A Challis instructor-led hunter education course will be held April 17-20 and April 24-27 from 4:30 to 6:00 p.m. each evening at the Challis Elementary School, 950 Bluff Avenue.  For more information or to register online, visit

A Leadore instructor-led hunter education course will be held April 24-25, April 27-28 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. each evening, and April 29 from 10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at the Leadore School, 111 S. 3rd Street.  For more information or to register online, see

Offered to youth ages 9 and older or anyone new to hunting, these courses provide instruction on firearm handling and safety, hunting law and ethics, responsibilities towards landowners, hunting skills, wildlife identification, survival skills and first aid, and management and conservation.  Students will have the opportunity to practice safe firearm handling with inert firearms in the classroom, and receive specific training based on scenarios that most often lead to hunting-related accidents.

Idaho’s hunter education requirement can also be completed entirely online through  The cost of the online course is $32.50.

Anyone born after January 1st, 1975 must complete a hunter education course as a prerequisite to purchasing a hunting license - and a hunting license is required to apply for a controlled hunt.  

The controlled hunt application period for moose, bighorn sheep and mountain goat ends May 1, while the application period for deer, elk, pronghorn, fall black bear and fall turkey ends June 5.