Women's Hunting Clinic Set for Saturday August 28
Idaho Fish and Game has scheduled a hunting clinic to introduce the sport of hunting to women; and, to help those women who already hunt to further their hunting skills.
The 17th annual Panhandle Region women's hunting clinic will run from 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday, August 28, at the Coeur d'Alene Rifle and Pistol Club, 5105 Atlas Road, Coeur d'Alene. Space is limited and reservations are required. To register, call Idaho Fish and Game at 208-769-1414.
Topics covered at the clinic include firearm safety, hunting regulations, preparation for the field, map and compass use and hunting ethics. After receiving instruction in safe handling of firearms, participants will head to the range and have a chance to shoot several types of firearms and bows.
"Participants in past women's clinics identified the hands on experience shooting at the range as the highlight of the workshop," said Julie McKarley, workshop instructor and Fish and Game conservation officer. All participants have the opportunity to shoot rim-fire .22-caliber and center-fire rifles and to practice with archery equipment.
While hunting has often been viewed as an activity that men practice, more women and girls are taking up hunting. In fact, female hunters comprise the fastest growing segment of the hunting public.
A registration fee of $5 includes coffee, snacks, drinks and a barbecue lunch.