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Idaho Fish and Game

Wolf Trapper Education Classes Open in Jerome, Nampa

The last wolf trapper class in the Magic Valley Region for this year will be Saturday, November 3, in Jerome. There are still some seats available in this class. The last wolf trapper class in Nampa for this year will be November 17, and there are still seats available for this class. Trappers may register online at, or call the local Idaho Fish and Game office. A person must have a trapping license and attend a wolf trapper class before purchasing wolf trapping tags. Trappers must register to take the wolf trapper class. The eight-hour class provides students with interactive, hands-on training from experienced, certified trapper instructors. The curriculum includes wolf management; wolf trapping regulations and ethics; wolf habits and behavior; making, rigging and setting traps and snares; proper care for a wolf; reporting requirements. The cost is $8 per student. Online registration includes an additional convenience fee of $1.24.