Waterfowl Rule Books Available Soon
Waterfowl seasons and rules for 2013 have been sent to the printer and are expected to be available by mid-September.
Meanwhile the rules are available online at http://fishandgame.idaho.gov.
The season opens with a two-day youth hunt on September 28 and 29 for licensed youths aged 10 to 15. Duck and Canada goose seasons in the area around the American Falls Reservoir opens October 5 and continues to January 17, with scaup seasons from October 26 to January 17. In the rest of the state it will run from October 12 to January 24, with scaup seasons from November 2 to January 24.
Waterfowl hunters should note that this year, the shooting hours charts have been eliminated from the rule book. This change is an attempt to provide more appropriate sunrise and sunset times that are consistent with the area being hunted. The tables in the rules book didn't provide the best times.
Shooting hours are from a half hour before sunrise to sunset. The exact times can be found on the Internet at: http://aa.usno.navy.mil/data/docs/RS_OneDay.php or http://www.accuweather.com.
Other changes this year: The seasons for white-fronted and Canada geese have been separated, allowing a 107-day white-fronted goose season that extends beyond the last Sunday in January.
In Area 3, in the southwest part of the state, seasons for white-fronted geese and light geese - snow and Ross's geese - will be open at different times for part of the season, with the white-fronted goose season open from November 11 through February 23, and the light goose season from November 26 through March 10.
Hunters are reminded that electronic calls and unplugged shotguns are allowed only for hunting light geese when no other seasons are open.
Elsewhere, the white-fronted goose season will run concurrent with the duck and Canada goose seasons. The daily bag limit is six white fronted geese.
The daily bag limit for light geese has been increased to 20.
Possession limits for all waterfowl have been increased to three times the daily bag limit.
Special youth waterfowl hunting days this year are September 28 and 29, open to licensed hunters 15 years of age and under for ducks, geese, snipe and coots. A Federal Migratory Game Bird Harvest Information Program Validation is required; a Federal Migratory Bird (duck) Stamp is not.
Daily and possession limits are the same as limits statewide in effect during regular seasons. At least one adult 18 years or older, with a valid hunting license, must accompany each youth hunting party in the field during the hunt. But adults are not authorized to hunt.
All other state rules and federal regulations for waterfowl hunting are in effect.