Hunters can see the proposed 2021-22 hunting seasons for moose, mountain goats, and bighorn sheep on Fish and Game's website, and will soon have the opportunity to hear more from regional Fish and Game staff about the proposals.
The 2021-22 season proposals are available at, and virtual open houses will take place for each region over the course of the next week, from Dec. 16-21. Hunters are encouraged to read the proposals before participating in the virtual open houses.
Virtual open house schedule:
- Dec. 16 - Southwest-Nampa/Southeast
- Dec. 17 - Southwest-McCall/Upper Snake
- Dec. 18 - Clearwater/Salmon
- Dec. 21 - Panhandle/Magic Valley
At the virtual meetings, hunters can hear some of the changes proposed for the 2021-22 hunting seasons and get a regional overview of moose, bighorn sheep, and mountain goats. Attendees can ask Fish and Game biologists questions during the meeting, or can submit questions ahead of time.
Virtual meetings will start at 6 p.m. local time, and last up to two hours depending on public participation. Links to each of the meetings is available on the moose, sheep, goat proposals webpage at A replay will be available for those who arrive late or cannot attend a meeting.
The public comment period for the moose, bighorn sheep and mountain goat seasons runs Dec. 14-30. People without internet access, or who prefer other ways to view proposed changes and comment, can contact their regional offices to learn about alternatives.
Among the most significant changes proposed for the 2021-22 seasons is eliminating all antlerless moose hunts in the eastern part of the state, specifically the Upper Snake and Southeast Regions. Information in both regions indicates declining moose populations, low calf survival and low recruitment. This change is intended to help bolster moose populations by not harvesting adult females so they can contribute to future recruitment.
Proposed tag numbers for some mountain goat and bighorn sheep hunts may be up or down depending on the hunt area. Hunters should check the regional proposals for more detailed information. These hunting seasons will be finalized by the Fish and Game Commission during its Jan. 28 meeting in Boise.
The moose, bighorn sheep and mountain goat controlled hunt application period runs April 1-30.