Upper Snake IDFG To Host Adult Hunting: Wildavore Workshop on July 30
IDAHO FALLS – The World isn’t what it used to be, and neither is Idaho. It used to be that living in Idaho meant that you either hunted or had friends or family members that did. For many Idahoans, those days are gone. Today there are adults who have grown up in Idaho or have moved here and never been around hunting. For those adults interested in learning more about what hunting is all about, the Idaho Department of Fish & Game (IDFG) is offering a unique one-day workshop specially designed to introduce beginners to everything associated with hunting. The Wildavore: Adult Hunting Workshop will take place in Idaho Falls on Saturday, July 30 and requires an application process to be accepted.
IDFG has committed significant staff and resources to this undertaking because IDFG understands that there are many adults who are interested in learning more about hunting, especially from the perspective of harvesting meat locally, but are intimidated by all that is involved with being a hunter. The Wildavore Workshop has been designed so that in the course of a day department staff will expose beginners to all the aspects involved with being a safe, ethical, and successful hunter. This workshop is not a replacement for the required Hunter Education Course. It is a sampler meant to demystify the world of hunting and hopefully allow interested adults a starting point for beginning their own wildavore adventure.
The workshop will be held from 8 AM to 5 PM on July 30th at the Upper Snake Regional Office in Idaho Falls at 4279 Commerce Place. The workshop will be taught by IDFG employees and cover introductory topics including; how to get started hunting, hunter education requirements, rules and regulations, gear, field dressing, and more. Participants will also have an opportunity to try wild game after watching a cooking demonstration before lunch.
According to Lauren Lane, a conservation officer helping to organize the workshop, “The workshop is for adults with limited hunting experience who are interested in learning more about hunting. No prior hunter education or experience is necessary.” Because of the personalized level of instruction being offered, only 40 spaces and those wishing to participate must first fill out an application at the regional office before being accepted. The cost of the workshop is $15, and lunch will be provided.
Individuals with questions about the workshop should contact James Brower at 208-525-7290.