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Idaho Fish and Game

Upland Game Seasons Open with Good Bird Counts

Sage-grouse, chukar, quail, and gray partridge hunting in Idaho opens Saturday, September 18, with some good chukar counts. During recent surveys on the Snake River in the Clearwater Region, Fish and Game biologists counted 1,276 chukars, the most ever observed since the initiation of this survey in 1994. This total is an increase of 136 percent over the 2008 total of 541 and 76 percent higher than the long-term average of 725, from 1994 through 2008. On the Lower Salmon River, biologists counted 1,491 chukars - an increase of 95 percent over the 766 birds tallied in 2008 and 69 percent higher than the long-term average of 882 from 1994 through 2008. The survey area near Brownlee Reservoir, however, took in a slightly smaller area this year because of helicopter scheduling and logistics. Chukar densities appear to be similar to last fall's, though the total numbers counted were fewer. Still, chukar hunters can expect to find bird numbers about the same as last year in southwest Idaho. Numbers appear to be somewhat below the 10-year average but considerably better than in 2007-2008. Many Idaho bird hunters use chukar counts to gauge abundance of other species. Biologists caution that various species populations can fluctuate depending on environmental conditions. Chukar hunting begins, along with seasons for gray partridge, sage-grouse and quail, on September 18. The chukar and gray partridge limits are eight birds of each species and 16 of each species in possession. Quail limits remain the same at 10 and 20. A separate permit is required for hunting sage- and sharp-tailed grouse. Sharp-tailed season opens October 1. Chukar and gray partridge: September 18 through January 31, 2011.
  • Daily bag limit - eight chukar and eight gray partridge.
  • Possession limit after first day - 16 chukar and 16 gray partridge.
Bobwhite and California quail: September 18 through January 31, 2011.
  • Daily bag limit - 10 total.
  • Possession limit after first day - 20 total.
  • Area 2 in eastern Idaho is closed.
Consult the rules brochures for details and exceptions. The season for forest grouse; which includes ruffed, spruce and dusky (blue) grouse, opened August 30 and runs through December 31, except in the Panhandle Region where it runs through January 31, 2011. The daily limit is four, whether all of one or mixed species, and eight in possession after the first day. Hunters only need a valid hunting license to hunt quail, chukar, grey partridge and forest grouse. All hunters need a valid 2010 Idaho hunting license. Hunters will find upland hunting rules and shooting times in the rules brochure at license vendors, Fish and Game offices and the department Web site at