- The biology and habitat of turkeys
- The most effective hunting techniques
- What hunting equipment is essential;
- How to scout for hunting spots;
- How to ethically harvest game
- How to dress, handle, and cook turkeys
Time to Sign Up For Turkey Wildavore Workshop
Anonymous (not verified)
This past year, the southeast region Fish and Game office rolled out a new mentored hunt program called Idaho Wildavore. It is a program for the true beginning adult hunter who does not have an experienced mentor from whom to learn the tradition of hunting.
To pilot the program, a deer hunting workshop (complete with a mentored deer hunt) was offered to adults. It was "wildly" successful! Now, people are calling from as far away as Boise to get in on the next workshop.
Our next workshop, co sponsored by the National Wild Turkey Federation, will focus on wild turkey hunting and is designed for adults (18+ years old). The ideal candidate for this workshop has never hunted before (or has very little hunting experience) and does not have access to experienced hunting mentors.
The two-day class will be held February 7 and 14 followed by a mentored hunt later in the spring.Class time will be split between indoor and outdoor experiences during which participants will learn: