Fish and Game offers three virtual Project WILD courses for educators and others interested in sharing nature with children.
WILD about Bird Migrations (New course)
This hybrid course is virtual and on your own time except for the in-person session on Saturday, September 18, 8 a.m. – 1 p.m. at the Diana Moore Nature Center where we will take part in bird banding and a Flying WILD festival of sorts.
- Cost for course $20 (Includes a Flying WILD educators guide)
- Credit available for additional $60.
- Register here: Upcoming Events - Project WILD Workshops (
Idaho Ecosystems with WET, WILD and PLT
This class is a “sampler platter” of three leading environmental education programs (Project WILD, Project WET and Project Learning Tree) explored through the lens of Idaho ecosystems. There are three synchronous meetings and the rest is on your own time.
- Cost $45.00 (Includes your choice of WET, WILD or Learning Tree guide)
- Register here: Idaho Ecosystems with WILD, WET and PLT, Nov. 2-30, Idaho Forests Products Commission
WILD about Turkeys
This completely asynchronous, self-paced class shares numerous activities related to wild turkeys through Google Sites Platform. Read through the activities and see how many you can make work in your curriculum! Participants of the class receive a packet with National Wild Turkey Federations WILD about Turkey guide, a WILD about Turkey guide produced by Fish and Game, materials to make a turkey call and more!
- $20 registration fee (for a no credit option).
- To earn professional development credit, participants will also complete a virtual Hunter Education course for $32.50. Course is completely asynchronous, as well. (If you’ve taken Hunter Ed, you can take Turkey Hunting 101 instead. Cost for that. $29.99. )
- Complete cost for credit $112.50 ($60 to NNU & $52.50 for course work) *discount scholarships available.
- Register here: Upcoming Events - Project WILD Workshops (
For more information email, or call (208) 863-3236