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Idaho Fish and Game

Take Me Fishing Trailer to Visit Preston and Aberdeen

Grab your family and follow the "Take Me Fishing" trailer. From 9 a.m. until noon Saturday, July 10, the trailer will be visiting Johnson's Reservoir in Preston. Again from 9 a.m. until noon Wednesday, July 14, it will be headed to McTucker Ponds near Aberdeen. Loaded with fishing poles, hooks, bobber, bait, and all other kinds of fishing gear and tackle, this trailer and the folks who run it are available to help folks get "hooked" on a great lifetime sport. The Take Me Fishing trailer isn't just for kids either. Anyone can check-out the equipment from the trailer and receive all kinds of fishing help, from baiting hooks-- to casting-- to reeling in a catch. And if you register at the trailer, you don't even need a license to fish while the trailer is on-site. It is Fish and Game's hope that this travelling trailer will recruit new anglers, especially youths, and perhaps reconnect one-time anglers with a pastime they forgot they enjoyed. For a complete list of all the places the Take Me Fishing Trailer will be going to this summer, just call your nearest Fish and Game office, or visit Fish and Game's Website at