Summer Chinook Season Opens June 21
Salmon fishing on the South Fork Salmon River and upper Salmon River opens Saturday June 21.
Limits on both rivers will be 4 fish per day. Only 2 of those fish may be adults. The possession limit will be 12 fish. Only 6 of those fish may be adults. The season limit for spring/summer Chinook salmon in Idaho is 20 adult salmon. The season limit applies to all Chinook salmon fisheries before September 1. Any angler who has recorded 20 spring/summer Chinook salmon on a permit must discontinue fishing regardless of where those fish were harvested.
The South Fork Salmon River will be open from the bridge on Forest Service Road 48 (Lick Creek Road) upstream approximately 32 river miles to a posted boundary 100 yards downstream from the IDFG weir. Fishing hours on the South Fork Salmon River will be 5:30 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
The Upper Salmon River will be open from a posted boundary 100 yards upstream from the mouth of the North Fork Salmon River to a posted boundary 100 yards downstream from the Fish and Game weir at Sawtooth Hatchery south of Stanley. Fishing hours on the Upper Salmon River will be from 5:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
For more on seasons and rules applying to salmon fishing in Idaho, go to