All remaining Chinook salmon fisheries on the Snake, Clearwater, South Fork Clearwater, North Fork Clearwater, Middle Fork Clearwater and Upper Salmon rivers will close at the end of fishing hours on Sunday, Aug. 7 which is the date set by the Fish and Game Commission to close spring/summer Chinook fisheries.
The following areas will open to fishing for fall Chinook on Aug. 18:
- Snake River: from the Washington/Idaho border upstream to Hells Canyon Dam
- Clearwater River: from its mouth upstream to the South Fork Clearwater River
- Middle Fork Clearwater River: from its mouth upstream to Clear Creek
- South Fork Clearwater River: from its mouth upstream to Red River
- Salmon River: from its mouth upstream to the Little Salmon River
The North Fork Clearwater River will open to fall Chinook salmon fishing on Sep. 1.
Here are more details about the fall Chinook season.