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Idaho Fish and Game

A group of deer in the City of Cascade approach the driver's side window of a vehicle during the winter of 2023.

Spring steelhead anglers: Remember reduced steelhead bag limits


Bag limits were reduced to ensure hatcheries are replenished

Steelhead anglers are reminded that Fish and Game commissioners extended the reduced bag and possession limits for the 2021 spring steelhead season, which started January 1.

Daily steelhead bag limits are two daily and six in possession statewide. Only adipose fin-clipped steelhead may be harvested.

All other 2021 steelhead rules apply, including season harvest limits, opening and closing dates. More information is available on the Steelhead Fishing Rules page at

Based on returns to Lower Granite Dam, fisheries managers are confident that they will meet broodstock needs for Idaho's steelhead hatcheries, and the number of hatchery steelhead returning to Idaho is sufficient to provide a harvest fishery for adipose fin-clipped, hatchery-origin steelhead under reduced harvest limits through the spring season.