- California and bobwhite quail through January 31 in northern and southwestern Idaho. Closed in eastern Idaho.
- Chukar and gray partridge through January 31.
- Pheasants through December 31 in Area 1 in northern Idaho and Area 3 in southwestern Idaho; through November 30 in Area 2 in eastern Idaho.
- Forest grouse, which includes ruffed, spruce and dusky (blue) grouse, through December 31 in most of Idaho; and through January 31 in the Panhandle Region.
- Cottontail rabbits through February 28 and snowshoe hares through March 31. The daily bag limit for both is eight, with 16 in possession after the first day.
Some Upland Game Seasons are Still Open
Though many big game seasons are winding up, many upland game seasons are still open including several upland birds as well as cottontail rabbits and snowshoe hares.
Hunters will find upland hunting rules and shooting times in the rules brochure at license vendors and Fish and Game offices as well as on the department Website at http://fishandgame.idaho.gov.
Seasons still open include: