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Idaho Fish and Game

Grizzly Bear

Save the date: Idaho Fish and Game grizzly bear biologist to speak in Hailey


Learn about Idaho's bears in Hailey, June 3, 2022

Idaho Fish and Game Regional Wildlife Biologist Jeremy Nicolson, who has been studying grizzly and black bears in eastern Idaho will be speaking in Hailey on Friday, June 3, at 6:30 p.m. at the Community Campus auditorium. Nicolson, who is based in Idaho Falls in the Upper Snake Region has been studying bears for the last 16 years, in Idaho, Florida, North Carolina and Yellowstone National Park.

The presentation is free.

Nicolson’s presentation will focus on his grizzly bear research and his regional efforts to reduce human-bear conflict management.

Also slated to speak is Sierra Robatcek, Regional Wildlife Biologist with the Magic Valley Region, who will be addressing black bears in southcentral Idaho, and more specifically, the Wood River Valley.

The Sawtooth National Recreation Area will also speak about their food storage order.

Both Nicolson and Robatcek will also address ways that residents can reduce bear conflicts by securing residential garbage and other methods residents can take to keep themselves and their pets safe, while also keeping bears from becoming food-conditioned and more importantly, wild.

Prior to the presentations, educational booths and activities will be set up outside the auditorium to provide bear-safety information as well as other wildlife-related information to all ages.

The event is sponsored by the Wood River Valley Wildlife Smart Communities Coalition which is committed to provide information and education about urban wildlife in an effort to reduce human-wildlife conflicts. To learn more, visit their website at

For more information, contact the Magic Valley Regional Office at (208) 324-4359.