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Idaho Fish and Game


Repair work will close Fort Boise WMA boat ramp Feb. 6-8


With waterfowl season drawing to a close, and the spring fishing season right around the corner, staff at Fort Boise Wildlife Management Area is taking advantage of the seasonal lull to conduct much-needed maintenance work.

Beginning Saturday, Feb. 6, crews will be repairing both the parking area at the end of Bar Diamond Lane, and the primary access road into Fort Boise WMA. The repair work will necessitate closing the boat ramp at the end of the access road for the duration of the project. Both efforts should be wrapped up by Monday, Feb. 8, at which time the parking area, access road and boat ramp will reopen.

Snake River boaters are encouraged to use the boat ramp just west of Fish and Game’s Martin Landing Access Site at the end of Scott Pit Road. For more information regarding the repair projects at Fort Boise WMA, contact the WMA office at 208-722-5888.