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Idaho Fish and Game


Public’s Help Sought in Second Waterfowl Carcass Wasting Case

Anonymous (not verified)

Citizens Against Poaching (CAP) is offering a reward for information in the case

Fish and Game is asking the public for information regarding the recent dumping of more than 25 whole waterfowl carcasses north of Emmett on Van Deusen Road. The mix of birds included mallards, teal and northern pintails.

Citizens Against Poaching (CAP) is offering a reward for information in the case and callers can remain anonymous. Contact CAP at 1-800-632-5999 twentyfour hours a day.

Fish and Game conservation officer Josh Leal is investigating the incident, and while evidence was collected at the scene, Leal hopes to learn more about the case from an eyewitness or others with knowledge of the incident. “I am very interested in visiting with anyone who has information regarding this wanton waste case,” Leal noted.

The investigation continues in an earlier wanton waste case where nearly three dozen partially field dressed and whole waterfowl carcasses were dumped behind the Fred Meyer store on Chinden Boulevard in Boise.

In addition to the CAP hotline, persons with information regarding this case may also call the Fish and Game Nampa office at 208-465-8465 weekdays and Idaho State Police at 208-846-7550 on weekends.