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Idaho Fish and Game

Public Barbecue Scheduled with Fish and Game Commissioners

The Idaho Fish and Game Commission during a July meeting at the Silver Mountain Resort in Kellogg will consider additional methods in taking wolves and other changes to big game rules. The commissioners will meet July 7 and 8 in the Noah's Loft Conference Center at the Silver Mountain Resort, and a public comment period will start at 7 p.m. Wednesday, July 7. Thursday morning, July 8, the commissioners will hear updates on legislative proposals, outfitted waterfowl and turkey hunts, the Farragut Range and on the 2010 wolf hunting season. Following an executive session at the end of the day Thursday, commissioners will attend a barbecue at Gene Day Pond in Osburn sponsored by Shoshone County Sportsman's Association. The event is free and open to the public. This is an opportunity for people to meet, greet and eat with their fish and game commissioner. Anyone planning to attend is asked to RSVP so there is enough food for everyone. RSVP by calling the Idaho Fish and Game Panhandle Region office at 208-769-1414.