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Idaho Fish and Game


Pennal Gulch Access Area near Challis to be closed temporarily


Boaters should use alternative launch and take out sites

The Pennal Gulch Sportsmen’s Access Area on the Salmon River downstream of Challis will be temporarily closed to vehicle access from Wednesday, August 7 at 5 p.m. through Monday, August 12 at 8 a.m. The access area gate will be locked during this time period.

Boaters are encouraged to plan accordingly and use alternative launch and take out sites upstream at Challis Bridge and downstream at McNabb Point or Watts Bridge.

Public access at Pennal Gulch is provided through an easement across private property. The road is closed to access from one hour after sunset to one hour before sunrise throughout the year. As always, recreationists are encouraged to enjoy the resource, but be respectful to both private and public lands.