Panhandle Advisory Group Meeting Set
The inaugural meeting for Idaho Fish and Game's Panhandle regional advisory group is planned Wednesday, March 20.
The meeting will be at 6 p.m., at the Fish and Game regional office, 2885 W Kathleen Ave in Coeur d'Alene.
Fish and Game is putting together regional citizen advisory groups around the state to identify strategies to boost funding for Fish and Game's Wildlife Diversity Program. Additional funding is needed for Fish and Game to meet the expectations of Idahoans that Fish and Game effectively manage all of Idaho's wildlife, including game species and nongame species.
The regional groups are a product of the "Idaho Wildlife Summit," that Fish and Game hosted in August 2012.
Nearly 500 people attended statewide, with additional people participating via an online video stream. The purpose of the event was to bring together wildlife enthusiasts including hunters, anglers, birders, and wildlife viewers to find common ground for moving forward in building Idaho's remarkable wildlife legacy.
Summit participants had much in common with one another. Eighty-two percent purchased a hunting, fishing or trapping license within the past two years. Ninety percent watched or photographed wildlife within the past two years.
Ninety-one percent say that abundant wildlife is an important reason for living in Idaho.
Anyone interested in participating as a member of this group is encouraged to contact Fish and Game at 208-769-1414 in advance of the meeting. With the meeting scheduled for the dinner hour, Fish and Game will provide a variety of pizzas and beverages. An accurate head count is needed to order food for the meeting.
Fish and Game anticipates the group will meet three or four times and will have its work completed by mid-May.
Individuals wishing to participate who cannot attend March 20 should call and express their interest to be included in future meetings.
Individuals with disabilities may request meeting accommodations by contacting the director's office at Idaho Fish and Game directly at 208 769-1414 or through the Idaho Relay Service at 1 800 377 2529 (TDD).