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Idaho Fish and Game

Opportunities for Teachers to Get Wild This Fall and Winter

Normally we like to think that teachers are calm and in control, but Idaho Fish and Game is hoping to help teachers go WILD this fall and winter. The type of WILD that Fish and Game is talking about is Project WILD for teachers. Project WILD is an international program that helps teachers to use the timeless love of wildlife and nature that humans have as a hook to educate children about all types of subjects ranging from art and music to science and math. Teachers in eastern Idaho are especially fortunate because Fish and Game is offering a number of different types of workshops locally this year. In addition to the Introductory Project WILD workshop that will be offered in Idaho Falls on December 6 and 7, Fish and Game is offering a special WILD About Turkeys workshop in Pocatello on November 8 and 9. These workshops start late Friday afternoon and then go all day Saturday. They may be taken for fun or for one college credit. A new workshop called WILD About Winter will be at Harriman State Park at the end of January. It will be worth two college credits because it will start later on Friday afternoon the 24th and run through noon on Sunday the 26th. This workshop is more involved because it requires teachers to either ski or snowshoe to the class and will involve a two night stay. The Turkey and Introductory workshops cost $25 each for materials and may be taken for one college credit at an additional charge. Both are available for Idaho STARS credit. Workshops are open to anyone who works with children. Participants get two guide books full of activities and lesson plans and the latest info on fish and wildlife living right in their own backyard. To learn more details about these workshops visit the education section of the Fish and Game website at: For questions call Gregg Losinski, regional conservation educator at 208-525-7290 or email at