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Idaho Fish and Game

Access Yes! sign identifies Access Yes! property

Online sign-up required at Access Yes! properties in Clearwater Region


Access Yes! is a program designed to allow hunter access to private land or facilitate hunter access to public land. The Clearwater Region is home to seven Access YES! properties, totaling nearly 13,000 acres accessible to sportsmen. Online sign-up is required for most of the properties in the Clearwater Region. Landowners request that sportsmen and women print off the permission slip/email confirmation and place it on their dash before the set off to hunt. Landowners enrolled in the Access Yes! program periodically check vehicles parked on their property to ensure hunters have registered to hunt—this helps alleviate concerns about trespassing and poaching problems. Hunters are reminded that each individual hunter has to register online to use Access Yes! properties in the Clearwater Region.

Idaho Fish and Game maintains relationships with landowners enrolled in the program and listens to their concerns about things they see from hunters on an annual basis. Landowners take pride in providing opportunities to hunters, but want opportunities to be distributed fairly so that all hunters can enjoy the chance at a harvest. Additionally, respecting private property (e.g. not driving through fields or wet roads) is key to keeping lands enrolled in the program as well as adding new properties. Access Yes! properties provide a valuable opportunity for sporting public as they provide access for both small and big game hunting. Contact the Clearwater Regional Office for more information (208) 799-5010 or check out the Access Yes website to sign up or see a list of properties, maps and other specific details.
