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Idaho Fish and Game

Officers and Firefighters to Receive Idaho Medal of Honor

This week, Idaho Fish and Game's Paul Alexander will receive the Idaho Medal of Honor for saving the life of a man whose car went into Black Canyon Reservoir. While on patrol along the reservoir a little after 5 p.m. on April 15, 2011, Alexander, a senior conservation officer, saw a vehicle in the water. When he turned around to investigate, the vehicle was completely submerged and the driver was struggling to swim to shore. After the man had gone under a third time, Alexander dove into the 40-degree water and swam 30 yards to pull him back to the surface and to safety. Alexander is one of 10 peace officers and two firefighters who will receive the Idaho Medal of Honor for their extraordinary heroism above and beyond the call of duty. This year's recipients also include officers with the Bonneville County Sheriff's Office, Idaho Falls Police Department, Idaho State Police, Jerome Police Department, Lewiston Police Department and Coeur d'Alene Fire Department. The Idaho Medal of Honor ceremonies will be at 10 a.m. Friday, May 18, at the Idaho Peace Officers Memorial in Meridian. "The Idaho Medal of Honor is the state's highest honor to recognize the extraordinary bravery of law enforcement officers, firefighters and EMS providers," said Lawrence Wasden, Idaho attorney general and Medal of Honor Commission chairman. "These 12 professionals have gone above and beyond the call of duty in their commitment to the service of others." More information about the 2012 recipients and previous recipients is available on the Idaho Medal of Honor Commission website at