The ever-popular Idaho Power Company Niagara Springs Creek day-park located directly across and adjacent to the Niagara Springs Steelhead Hatchery will be closed to all public access beginning July 29, 2022 due to construction. The park will remain closed until the construction is completed which is anticipated to be in mid-August, 2022.
The construction project includes work that will stabilize the streambank from an ongoing erosion issue. To protect the streambank, contractors will be installing rock riprap and planting riparian vegetation.
The public closure of the upper section of the creek will continue even after this project is completed due to the presence of threatened Bliss Rapid snails residing in this section of the Niagara Springs Creek.
Anglers will be provided a specific access point to Niagara Springs Creek.
The construction project will not affect public access to Niagara Springs State Park or their hours of operation.
For more information contact the Magic Valley Regional Office at (208) 324-4359.