Starting in June, patrons of the Black’s Creek Public Shooting Range in Kuna should be aware of some changes, including a newly-implemented cased firearms policy and a new fee for using multiple ranges at the complex.
In their continuing efforts to make Black’s Creek the safest place in the state to shoot, Fish and Game and their nonprofit partners at the range, EE DA HOW, recently adopted a new policy that requires all firearms be transported onto the range in a case, and to remain in a case until a shooter arrives at the shooting bench on the firing line. Firearms may only be uncased at the shooting benches while the range is “hot” or open for firing, with the muzzles pointed down range. All firearms not in use on the firing line must be stored in a case at the rear bench.
As always, any guns not in use on the firing line must remain unloaded.
“While we have an impeccable safety record with public shooting at Black’s Creek, we are constantly seeking ways to make the range safer and reduce the potential for firearms-related accidents,” said Derek Bibber, Idaho Fish and Game Shooting Range Liaison. “The new cased-firearm policy does that, and is consistent with some of the other premier, publicly-owned shooting ranges in the country.”
Range managers are asking the public to please remember to bring their firearms to the range in case; however, in an effort to help shooters through the transition, a handful of cases will be available for loan at the Black’s Creek Range Office. Shooters who arrive at the range without a case can request a loaner upon checking in, and case their firearms prior to bringing them onto the range.
New fee for use of multiple ranges
Over the past couple years, lot of work has gone into improving Black’s Creek’s 500-meter, long-distance range — including drastically increasing the amount of steel targets, improving the facility that covers the firing line, and adding days of operation to increase public shooting opportunity.
Previously, a $10 range use fee covered use of both the Main Range and the 500-meter range; however, participation in long-distance shooting at Black’s Creek Public Shooting Range has increased with the litany improvements to the 500-meter range, and range managers have had to adjust range use fees accordingly.
“Our 500-meter range has become an attraction in and of itself, and requires staffing independent of the Main Range,” Bibber said. “We have adjusted prices at Black’s Creek accordingly, reflecting the fact that these are two separate ranges that provide unique shooting experiences.”
Shooters will continue to pay a $10 range use fee for a single range — whether that is the 500-meter range or the 200-meter Main Range. For shooters who wish to use both ranges on a given day, the fee has been set at $15.
“We remain committed to provide a cheap, safe and unparalleled public shooting experience at Black’s Creek,” Bibber added. “Given the drastic improvements to the 500-meter range in recent years, we felt that establishing a separate range fee was more than warranted. In offering the new $15 multiple-range use fee, we are able to keep costs down for patrons who wish to continue to use both ranges.”