The previously announced closure of the mountain lion season in Game Management Unit 54 has been rescinded. After the closure was announced on January 12, 2021, it was determined that two female lions had been incidentally killed, which does not impact the harvest quota of nine female mountain lions in Unit 54.
By regulation, mountain lion harvest closes once the female harvest quota in Game Management Unit 54, south of Twin Falls, has been met.
The mountain lion take season will now re-open in Unit 54, and remain open until the female quota of nine lions has been met or the season closes by regulation on March 31, 2021, whichever comes first.
To find out whether the quota on a mountain lions has been met and the season closed in a particular management unit, call 1-800-323-4334. Information about the number of lions harvested and reported for each management unit with a quota can be found on the Fish and Game website or by calling your local Fish and Game office.