The take season for both female and male mountain lions is closed in Game Management Units 66A and 76 in southeastern Idaho. The harvest limit for males in these units as established in the 2019-2020 Idaho Big Game Seasons and Rules was reached earlier in December, and the take season for males was consequently closed at that time. The harvest limit for female mountain lions in Units 66A and 76 was reached last week, and the take season was, therefore, closed effective December 27, 2019.
Hunters will be allowed to keep female mountain lions taken in Units 66A and 76 prior to the December 27 closure and must report them within 5 days of harvest. A dog training season (pursuit only—no harvest) for both male and female mountain lions in both units is open and shall close March 31, 2020.
The most current information on whether a quota has been met or the season has been closed for a particular game management unit anywhere in the state can be obtained by calling or stopping by any regional Fish and Game office or by calling 1-800-323-4334 (24/7 toll-free line). Information is also updated regularly on an Idaho Fish and Game webpage at