More of the Salmon River Opens to Chinook Fishing
Another section of the lower Salmon River opened to Chinook salmon fishing Saturday, June 19, but some access restrictions remain in place on the South Fork.
The reach known as Vinegar Creek is open from the posted boundary at the mouth of Shorts Creek upstream to the uppermost boat ramp at Vinegar Creek. It remains open until further notice.
Fishing hours are from 5:25 a.m. to 10:40 p.m. through July 2. Check Idaho Fish and Game Chinook seasons and rules for fishing hours after July 2.
The daily limit is five Chinook, only three of which may be adults, whichever comes first; the possession limit is 15, only nine of which may be adults. An adult Chinook is 24 or more inches in total length.
For an interactive map of open Chinook salmon seasons click here:…