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Idaho Fish and Game

Lifetime License May be the Deal of a Lifetime

Hunters and anglers, who are considering buying a 2010 license, may want to think about a lifetime license. Regardless of your age, buying a lifetime license could be the best investment a hunter or angler can make. And the best time to buy a lifetime license is before your second birthday. Five-month-old Tyler Caine Jr., of Boise, did just that - well his family did it for him. They bought him a lifetime hunting license on Monday, January 11, for $276.75. Young Tyler was born into a hunting and fishing family, and his parents can't wait until he's old enough to enjoy the benefits of this lifetime gift. The license was a Christmas gift from his grandparents, several aunts and uncles, and a great-grandmother. All contributed to the cost. When he gets old enough to need a hunting license, young Tyler will be able to use the license the rest of his life to hunt in Idaho, regardless of where he might move. He might have to buy nonresident tags, but he can always come back to Idaho to hunt. Lifetime licenses are available only from Fish and Game regional offices and the headquarters office in Boise. The lifetime license does not include tags and permits. Lifetime licenses authorize all privileges associated with a corresponding annual license. They are valid for the lifetime of the license holder and are available to all residents of Idaho. If a lifetime certificate holder moves out of Idaho, they will continue to receive an annual license, but they will have to pay nonresident tag and permit fees. The cost depends on the type of license - hunting, fishing or combination - and the age of the applicant.
Applicant AgeCombinationHuntingFishing
Under 2$795.50$276.75 $601.75
2 - 50$1,113.00 $386.75$841.75
51 and older$636.75$221.75$481.75