With many of Idaho’s big game hunting season now closed, Idaho Fish and Game reminds hunters to fill out their hunter harvest reports if they purchased a deer, elk or pronghorn tag in 2021. All big game hunters are required to file a report for each tag they purchased, whether they hunted or not.
As the final notch in every big game hunter’s belt every year, filling out your annual harvest report is a special way to cap off another season trekking across Idaho’s rugged landscape for deer, elk and pronghorn. Not to mention, it’s quick and painless. Simply go to Go Outdoors Idaho and log in to answer questions about your hunt. Hunters may also file their reports over the phone by calling 1-877-268-9365 to speak with a live operator 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Just be sure to have your hunting license or tag number handy.
To file reports, hunters need to know the number of days they hunted, the game management units they hunted in, the date they harvested, and the number of antler points on the animal they harvested, or the length of the horns for pronghorns in inches.
Harvest reports help biologists with herd estimates
Reporting harvested or unharvested game is vital so wildlife managers can get the critical population data they need to manage big game herds and propose hunting seasons in the future.