- Hunter name.
- Date of harvest.
- Location of harvest, including big game unit, county and state.
- Owner name, address and telephone number.
- Guide's name and address, if applicable.
Idaho Fish and Game Sets Big Game Measuring Day
Once again, the Southeast regional office of Idaho Fish and Game will host a Big Game Scoring Day.
This event will be on Tuesday, April 16, at the Fish and Game regional office located at 1345 Barton Road in Pocatello.
Measuring for Boone & Crockett for rifle and pistol, Pope & Young for archery and Longhunter's Society for muzzleloader will be conducted for entry into the big game record books.
Interested hunters may bring their antlers, horns and skulls to the regional office in Pocatello beginning Thursday, April 11, until Monday, April 15.
Items being brought for measuring must be free of flesh and skin, and must have been air-dried for 60 days. Please note that air-drying is not the same as freezer storage.
Information required at the time of drop off includes: