Idaho Fish and Game News is Now Available
The March issue of Idaho Fish and Game News is now available.
This issue covers Fish and Game's volunteer force and its efforts to improve and restore wildlife habitat throughout the state.
Fish and Game's volunteer program was launched in 1990, and since then volunteers have helped to recover thousands of acres of wildlife habitat damaged by fire. They have planted thousands of bitterbrush and sagebrush seedlings, and they have helped recover miles of eroded stream banks with willows and other plants.
Fish and Game volunteers also help others learn the basics of hunting through the required hunter education program. And other volunteers help people learn about nature and about wildlife conservation through the Idaho Master Naturalist programs and at nature centers around the state.
This issue encourages anyone interested to consider volunteering. For information contact the nearest regional Fish and Game office, or online at:
Fish and Game News is free and available at license vendors and Fish and Game offices statewide and online at