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Idaho Fish and Game

Hunters Have Options for Tags Reduced by Commission

The Idaho Fish and Game Commission reduced the number of tags in several mule deer controlled hunts because of high fawn mortality over the winter. Hunters who applied for controlled mule deer hunts reduced by commission action may: 1. Apply for a different hunt. 2. Request a refund of their application fee. 3. Leave their application in place. The odds of drawing a successful hunt in the units listed below may be reduced significantly, depending on how many hunters apply for the hunts or seek refunds. Hunters seeking refunds must submit a request in writing to the Fish and Game licensing section. Anyone with questions should call licensing at 208-334-2592. Refund requests should be mailed to: IDFG Licensing Section, P.O. Box 25, Boise, Idaho 83707; or via e-mail to: All refund requests must be postmarked by June 5, 2011. Hunters choosing to apply for a different hunt may do so at any Fish and Game regional office. A list of regional office addresses can be found on the Fish and Game website at: Commissioners on Thursday, May 19, approved reductions to tag numbers set in the 2011 big game hunting seasons and the Land Owner Appreciation brochure because of high fawn mortality in some areas of southern Idaho hit by harsh winter conditions. Overall, over-winter fawn survival among 15 study areas is the lowest since Fish and Game began monitoring; 69 percent of radio-collared fawns had died by April 30. Mule deer fawn survival was lowest in the McCall-Weiser area, at 9 percent, and in Island Park, at 18 percent. Tag reductions apply to the following controlled hunts: Hunt Number 1039 - Area 60-1 - Units 60, 60A, 62A - From 50 to 25 (buck only). Hunt Number 1040 - Area 62 - Unit 62 - From 30 to 15 (buck only). Hunt Number 1042 - Area 67 - Unit 67 - From 40 to 20 (buck only). Hunt Number 1047 - Area 22 - Unit 22 - From 350 to 150 (antlerless hunt). Hunt Number 1049 - Area 31 - Unit 31 - From 350 to 150 (antlerless hunt). Hunt Number 1050 - Area 32 - Unit 32 - From 450 to 225 (antlerless hunt). Hunt Number 1051 - Area 32A - Unit 32A - From 450 to 225 (antlerless hunt). Hunt Number 1062 - Area 60-1 - Units 60, 60A, 62A - From 50 to 0 (antlerless hunt). Hunt Number 1063 - Area 60-2 - Units 60, 61, 62A - From 400 to 40 (either-sex hunt). Hunt Number 1064 - Area 62 - Unit 62 - From 100 to 10 (either-sex hunt). Hunt Number 1066 - Area 67 - Unit 67 - From 75 to 20 (either-sex hunt). Hunt Number 1088 - Area 64 - Units 64, 65 - From 50 to 10 (either-sex hunt). The application period for controlled hunts ends June 5.