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Idaho Fish and Game

Hunter Education Classes Offered in Upper Snake Region

Hunter education courses in Idaho are taught primarily by volunteer instructors who themselves like to hunt. This means that as the hunting season approaches, the chances of finding a hunter ed class become more difficult. Fortunately, a couple of options still exist for those who want to get out and hunt for the first time. The Upper Snake Region is offering two field day classes on Saturday, August 28, for those who will have completed either the on-line course or the workbook option. These are the only classes scheduled before the general hunting season, and they are likely to be the last chance for new hunters to meet the requirements to purchase a hunting license. By law, all hunters born after January 1, 1975, are required to pass a certified course to hunt. Additionally, anyone (including adults) interested in travelling to many of the other western states may need to show proof of having passed a hunter ed class to buy a license. Even if you have passed hunters ed before, if you don't have the hunter Ed card you will not be able to purchase a license in some western states. Both classes will be self-study classes, with participants required to complete either a hunter education workbook or the on-line class before registering for the August 28 field day. During the field class, students will go through a review, be given a chance to ask questions, take the test, and must pass a live shooting exercise before passing the class. Any student 12 or under must have a parent present for the live shooting exercise. Because of the intense and fast-paced nature of these classes, older students may benefit more than younger students. Fish and Game offers the traditional hunter education classes that provide a great learning opportunity for younger participants through the winter, spring, and summer. Both classes will be limited to 25 students and are expected to fill quickly. Those interested in participating in the on-line version of the class and attending the Aug 28 field day, visit Those planning on completing Hunters Ed using the workbook option should pick up the workbook at the Upper Snake Regional Office located at 4279 Commerce Circle in the St. Leon Business Park in Idaho Falls. The workbook must be completed prior to registering for the field day. All workbooks must be completed and submitted prior to August 9. Class availability will remain open until filled or until August 9, whichever comes first. For information call 208-525-7290.