Hunters now have the opportunity to view and comment on the proposed 2021-22 hunting seasons for moose, mountain goat, and bighorn sheep in the Salmon Region, and hear more from regional Fish and Game staff about the proposals.
Hunters can review the 2021-22 season proposals and provide comments online at The deadline to comment is Wednesday, Dec. 30.
In an effort to engage as many people as possible in the season-setting process, a virtual open house will take place Friday, Dec. 18 beginning at 6 p.m. local time. Hunters are encouraged to read the proposals before participating in the virtual open house.
At the virtual meeting, hunters will hear the changes proposed for the 2021-22 hunting seasons and get a regional overview of moose, bighorn sheep, and mountain goats. Attendees can ask Fish and Game biologists questions during the meeting.
The virtual meeting will last up to two hours depending on public participation. A replay will be available for those who arrive late or cannot attend.
People without internet access, or who prefer other ways to view proposed changes and comment, can contact the Salmon Regional office at 208-756-2271 to learn about alternatives.
Hunting seasons will be finalized by the Fish and Game Commission during its Jan. 28 meeting in Boise. The moose, bighorn sheep and mountain goat controlled hunt application period runs April 1-30.