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Idaho Fish and Game

Hunter and Bowhunter Education Instructors Needed in Southeast Idaho

Idaho's hunter and bowhunter education programs are looking for new instructors to help meet the growing demand for courses in all southeast Idaho communities. If you love to hunt, enjoy teaching youth, and wish to inspire new hunters to join one of Idaho's great outdoor traditions, then please consider signing up for one of the New Instructor Orientation trainings being offered in southeast Idaho.
  • Blackfoot, Wednesday, March 23 - Cedar Hills Gun Club, Exit 98 (Rose Exit) head west and follow signs.
  • Preston, Tuesday, March 29 - Larsen-Sant Library, 109 South 1st East.
  • Pocatello, Wednesday, March 30 - Fish and Game Regional Office, 1345 Barton Road.
All orientations will run from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. and are free of charge. To register, please contact Terri Bergmeier at 208-251-6510. New Instructor Orientations outline how to organize a class, select meeting sites, order supplies, and get students registered and certified. Instructors learn how to use lesson plans, teach using various methods, and employ effective teaching techniques in the classroom and at the range. All new instructors will also have the opportunity to shadow current experienced instructors before taking on classes of their own. The heart of Idaho's Hunter/Bowhunter Education Program is the corps of volunteers who provide the instruction and mentoring. Instructors stand as examples of what each new hunter should be in ethics, behavior, and responsibility to themselves, landowners, other hunters and to the resource. Support Idaho's hunting heritage. Become a hunter or bowhunter education instructor today!