Give the Critters a Break
By Dane Cook - Idaho Department of Fish and Game
It's springtime, and there's nothing better to cure a case of cabin fever than to get out and go for a walk, run or just be outside.
This seems to be the case for not only humans but also our four-legged friends. While everyone should be encouraged to get outdoors as much as possible, a couple of considerations need to be made. Our local wildlife is just coming out of a relatively normal winter. As pleasant as it looks outside, deer and elk are probably in the worst shape they will be in all year. This is the time of year when animals' digestive systems shift from dry cured forage to new succulent green growth.
If you think of the body reserves of a deer and elk like a gas tank, right now they are on fumes, but the gas station is in sight. The last thing they need is to use up their remaining fuel reserves before they get to the proverbial filling station. This analogy was used so you can get a different perspective on how our actions can affect wildlife.
Recently, the local Fish and Game office received numerous calls about wildlife being harassed. Here in Salmon, numerous calls have come in about dogs chasing deer; some within city limits, others in the rural area around town. Fish and Game would like to remind dog owners to keep control of their dogs at all times. If you're gone from home during the day, keep your dog in a kennel or fenced yard they cannot escape from. At night they should be in a similar place to keep them from wandering. If you're taking your dog for a walk or run in some of the areas surrounding town, be certain you can call them back if you happen to encounter deer or elk. Idaho code allows for a dog that is actively chasing big game animals to be destroyed by any peace officer or person authorized to enforce wildlife game laws.
While this is an extreme and rarely used legislatively granted authority, in some instances this has been the final solution to the problem.
Another form of harassment comes from the person you see in the mirror each morning. We have significant opportunities in the Salmon area to get out and enjoy the wildlife and wild lands around us. Many people are now driving up back roads for recreation, "horn hunting," and just generally getting out.
Again, thinking about the gas tank analogy, our actions in the hills profoundly affect the critters there. Minor disturbance, or stress, can send deer and elk running, wildly using up the "fuel" in the system. These disturbances come from motorized vehicle traffic including trucks, 4-wheelers, motorcycles, and even aircraft. If you operate any of this type of equipment, give the critters a break and give them some room to get a safe distance away. Even a person casually walking or exercising a dog can cause stress to deer or elk. We're not suggesting stopping these activities; just give the critters a little space and a break.
I would encourage everyone to get out more and observe wildlife. This is an excellent time of year to do so, but exercise some common sense and show respect to our local wildlife, too.
Dane Cook is the senior conservation officer in the Salmon Region.