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Idaho Fish and Game

Follow Regional Fish and Game Managers on Twitter

If you are an avid outdoors enthusiast, "twitter" is the word you may use to describe the rapid beating of your heart when that huge muley pops over the ridge or that lunker takes your fly line clear into the backing. But "twitter" has a new meaning for sportsmen nowadays. That's because the public can follow Fish and Game happenings statewide and now in this region using one of the most recent of social media tools-Twitter. A couple of years ago, Fish and Game expanded its statewide public outreach efforts through the addition of its Facebook page and Twitter account. Both have been extremely popular with the public. Now, in an effort to bring more pertinent and local information to our sportsmen, the southeast region is doing a regional pilot program with Twitter. Initially, regional fisheries manager, Dave Teuscher, and regional wildlife manager, Toby Boudreau, will have Twitter accounts. These staff members will begin to "tweet" important or interesting current information to their followers. These regional Twitter accounts will not decrease the use of our traditional media outlets like newspaper, TV news, radio and public meetings-but will be an expansion of our efforts. To receive "tweets" about regional happenings, you can follow Dave at IDFG5Fishing and Toby at IDFG5Wildlife. They will try to "tweet" at least once a week. "Our goal is to get more information out quickly and easily to as many interested people as possible," said Toby Boudreau, wildlife manager for the southeast region. Twitter, launched nationally in 2006, is an Internet-based information sharing website. It can be accessed using a computer or cell phone with internet access. Twitter is limited to 140 characters on any "tweet." So the messages aren't long, but you can get people enough information or a link to more information if they have further interest. Twitter works by "following" a user-you yourself can even be "followed." When a person follows someone or some organization, they receive a copy of everything that person posts on Twitter. Imagine finding out about an upcoming big game meeting or changes in ice conditions on a local reservoir through a simple "tweet" on your phone. So if you want to get current and interesting information from Fish and Game on a local level, please follow the southeast region on Twitter. Still confused? Give Toby Boudreau or Dave Teuscher a call at the southeast regional Fish and Game office at 232-4703 for help getting started.