- The mainstem Clearwater: From Lenore Bridge to Greer Bridge
- The North Fork Clearwater River: From the mouth upstream to Dworshak Dam excluding the perimeter of the Dworshak National Hatchery at Ahsahka. Fishing from any watercraft is prohibited.
- The Middle Fork Clearwater: From the mouth of the South Fork Clearwater River upstream to the confluence of the Lochsa and Selway rivers.
- The South Fork Clearwater: From its mouth upstream to the confluence of the American and Red rivers.
Fish & Game Closes Part of Clearwater River to Salmon Fishing
On Tuesday, May 21, the Idaho Department of Fish and Game closed the lower Clearwater River from the Camas Prairie Railroad Bridge in Lewiston to the Cherrylane Bridge to all salmon fishing. The other sections of the Clearwater previously open to salmon fishing will remain open for harvest of jack salmon four days per week, Friday through Monday.
Sections of the Clearwater River basin that remain open to jacks-only harvest include: