Fish and Game Stocking Urban Fisheries
Anonymous (not verified)
Spring has arrived, and many Idahoans are dusting off their fishing gear and digging in the garden for worms.
Fish and Game hatchery workers are also thinking about early spring fishing; putting together their stocking plan for April. Fish managers from the Nampa hatchery will release more than 40,000 nine to eleven inch rainbow trout into fisheries in and around the Treasure Valley. Of those, 19,000 will be released into Lucky Peak Reservoir. Hatchery workers will release 4,000 into Mann's Creek reservoir, and more than 3,600 trout will be released into the Boise River at various locations. The remainder of the catchable rainbow trout will be distributed among twenty-five locations throughout Southwest Idaho.
The Nampa Hatchery is one of six that will be trucking fish to rivers, lakes and ponds in Idaho. Hatchery workers will also be putting catchable rainbows into waterways in the Panhandle, Clearwater, Magic Valley and Southeast Regions. In all, more than 200,000 trout will be stocked in April statewide. For specific information about stocking near you, check out this link on Fish and Game's website: