- The definition of a "fishing contest."
- Allowing the use of a gaff hook for landing nongame fish species taken with archery equipment.
- Allowing the use of archery equipment and spear guns to harvest game fish with unlimited bag limits.
- Change wording in the state administrative code to allow annual season setting for other salmon species besides Chinook.
Fish and Game Seeks Comments on Fishing Rules
Idaho Fish and Game is starting on "nonbiological" fishing rule changes for 2012, and looking for comments from anglers.
Fish and Game will consider changes to rules that cover aspects of fishing other than seasons and bag limits, which are set bi-annually by Idaho Fish and Game Commission proclamation.
The rules under consideration pertain to definitions of legal fishing equipment, define methods of take for various fish species, or define terms used in rule booklets. Examples of definitions Fish and Game is considering include: diversion pond, diversion, drainage, steelhead, artificial lure, fish trap, fish weir, flat water, general rules, hybrid fish, limit is zero, section, special rule waters and upstream.
Fish and Game is considering changing the rule that requires anglers transporting hatchery-produced salmon or steelhead to keep the carcass whole, with the head and tail attached. The change would allow anglers to filet a hatchery produced steelhead or salmon, already recorded on the salmon/steelhead permit, as long as one of the filets has the skin attached where the adipose fin is located to verify its origin.
Other items Fish and Game will be reviewing are: