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Idaho Fish and Game

Fish and Game Seek Comments on Waterfowl Seasons

Idaho Fish and Game is seeking public comments on proposed waterfowl seasons and limits for 2010. Biologists will present the proposed waterfowl seasons and limits to the Idaho Fish and Game Commission during a special meeting August 16 in Idaho Falls. Idaho Fish and Game biologists propose a 107-day hunt, the maximum allowed under the federal waterfowl framework. The proposed daily bag limit would be seven ducks; but not more than two female mallards, two redheads, three scaup, two pintails and one canvasback. The scaup season would be 86 days long. The proposed daily dark goose - Canada and greater white-fronted geese - bag limit would be four. A two-part season is proposed for light geese - blue, snow and Ross's geese - in the Southwest, and portions of the Magic Valley, Southeast and Upper Snake regions, with a 10-goose daily bag limit. Possession limits would be twice the daily bag limit. Fish and Game also is considering expanding light goose hunting in Area 3 to include that part of the Upper Snake Region within Bingham County in game management unit 63 south of Highway 20 and west of the west bank of the Snake River, and that part of the Southeast Region within Bingham and Power counties in unit 68A west of the west bank of the Snake River and American Falls Reservoir. Proposed waterfowl seasons are: Youth Hunt (Statewide) - September 25-26. - Licensed youth aged 15 and under. Ducks, Coots and Snipe - Area 1: October 2 to January 14 - Scaup: October 23 to January 14 - Area 2: October 9 to January 21 - Scaup: October 30 to January 21 Dark Geese (Canada and white-fronted) - Area 1: October 2 to January 14 - Area 2: October 9 to January 21 Light Geese (Blue, Ross's and Snow) - Area 1: October 2 to January 14 - Area 2: October 29 to January 21 and February 19 to March 10 - Area 3: October 22 to January 14 and February 19 to March 10 Anyone interested may submit comments on the proposed seasons at one of several public open-house meetings around the state; to local Fish and Game offices; by mail to Waterfowl Season Comments, c/o Idaho Fish and Game, P.O. Box 25, Boise ID 83707; or online at The public comment deadline is Wednesday, August 11.