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Idaho Fish and Game

Fish and Game Releases New Idaho Fishing Planner

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Explore Idaho's lakes, rivers, and streams with the latest version of the Idaho Fishing Planner web app. This version includes new features and new content. The Idaho Fishing Planner can help you locate and find information about hundreds of Recommended Fishing Waters across the state. These are places recommended by Idaho Fish and Game that are generally easy to access where you have a good chance of catching fish. Information includes: fishing rules, fish species, stocking, facilities, and links to the weather forecast for that area. Where available, explore links to stream flow and lake level information. We have included photos of many of the Recommended Fishing Waters and are adding more every day. The recommended fishing waters are great places to fish, but there are lots of other places to fish around the state. Some may require a bit of exploring to find, and a bit more work to get to, but you can be rewarded with excellent fishing, off the beaten track. Begin your exploration with the Fishing Planner Search page or the interactive Idaho FishMap.The Fishing Planner Search page allows you to search by location, including Idaho Fish and Game regions, counties, major drainage, or within the distance of a town. You can further narrow your search by fish species and facilities available. If you're looking for information about a particular lake, river, or stream, just enter the name and get the information. Explore Idaho with the Idaho FishMap by moving around the map and clicking lakes and streams to see the same kind of information available from the main search page. You can also use the integrated search tool. If you are using a smart phone, try exploring with the Fishing Planner Mobile. Information Provided by the Idaho Fishing Planner
  • 12,000 waters - Location, applicable fishing rules, elevation, lake acres or stream miles, location-specific weather forecast link
  • 4, 000 waters - Fish species information
  • 2,000 waters - Historic fish stocking information
  • 435 Recommended Fishing Waters - Facilities information, recommended game fish
  • Other information where available - current stocking, photos, descriptions, stream flow links and lake level links