Fish and Game Commission to Meet in Lewiston
The Idaho Fish and Game Commission will meet May 18, 19 and 20 in Lewiston.
A public hearing will be at 7 p.m. Wednesday, May 18, at the Clearwater Region office, 3316 16th St., Lewiston.
Thursday morning commissioners will consider a Chinook salmon fishery on the upper Salmon and South Fork Salmon rivers. Later in the day, commissioners will hear an update on wolf management.
Commissioners also will consider an adjustment to deer controlled hunt tag numbers, and they will consider a hunter education live fire exemption rule.
They also will elect a new commission chairman and vice-chairman, and appoint a commission liaison to the Idaho Outfitters and Guides Licensing Board.
The day will end with an executive session to discuss land acquisitions and pending litigation.
On Friday morning the commission will meet for a workshop on off-highway vehicles.
Times on the agenda are approximate and subject to change.