F&G Seeks Comments on Draft Bighorn Plan
Idaho Fish and Game is seeking public comments on its proposed revised bighorn sheep management plan.
Revision of the Idaho Bighorn Sheep Management Plan 1990-1995 began in 2008 with 750 responses to a mailed survey and 593 responses on the Fish and Game Website. In June 2010, the Governor's Idaho Bighorn Sheep-Domestic Sheep Advisory Group provided comments to an early draft of this plan.
The new plan will provide an overview of current status and management direction for the species.
The Idaho Fish and Game Commission asked Fish and Game to solicit public comments on the proposed plan during September.
Fish and Game will evaluate all comments and revise the draft plan. A final plan will be submitted for commission review in November.
The draft plan is available only electronically on the Fish and Game Website: http://fishandgame.idaho.gov/cms/public/.
Comments may be submitted online at the address above, via e-mail or by mail to Bighorn Sheep Plan Comments, c/o Idaho Fish and Game, P.O. Box 25, Boise ID 83707.